The Portsmouth Peer Support and Wellbeing service is a new style of service offering peer support for anyone who feels low, worried or hopeless at the Portsmouth Wellbeing Centre, PositiveMinds. Please note our new location on Arundel St, Portsmouth.
Through 1:1 support and useful workshops, we can help you identify your needs and get you moving towards your goals. We also operate a 'tell us once' system: a chat with us can get you connected to your community and its services, without having to explain yourself again and again. We hope to put you in touch with the right support at the right time.
Simply book in to talk to peer support and wellbeing practitioners. The peer practitioners have lived through difficulties themselves and can relate to how you are feeling. We will work with you to identify goals and walk alongside you in your recovery journey.
We can support you with:
- Drop-in
- Face to face sessions
- 1:1 support
- Advice and guidance
- Workshops around managing wellbeing
- Support groups
- Social inclusion
- Graded exposure
Please note that our services are not a crisis centre or 'Mental Health A&E' and we don't stock or prescribe medication. For urgent support, contact the NHS on 111, or call Samaritans on 116 123.
Who is it for?
You can refer yourself to Portsmouth Peer Support and Wellbeing Team if you are over the age of 18 and have a GP within a PO1-PO6 postcode.
Contact details & opening hours
Monday: 10.30am - 4.30pm
Tuesday: 10.30am - 4.30pm
Wednesday: 10.30am - 4.30pm
Thursday: 10.30am - 4.30pm
Friday: 10.30am - 4.00pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Portsmouth Wellbeing Centre, PositiveMinds
38 Arundel Street
T: 023 9282 4795
Information for professionals
If you are a professional, wishing to refer someone into our service, please complete the referral form. This link can be for referral form from any other organisation. Professionals must have consent from the individual before making this referral.
Please note that this is not a crisis service or 'Mental Health A&E' and we don't stock or prescribe medication. We are also not a gateway into secondary mental health services.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) drop-ins
We also host Personal Independence Payment (PIP) drop-in sessions. These take place:
- Tuesdays - 10.00am to 1.00pm
- Wednesdays 1.00pm to 3.00pm
The PIP drop-in is for pre-booked appointments only - please book using our drop-in calendar.
What we can help with
The drop-in is an opportunity for service users to get support and advice with form filling, assessments, mandatory reconsiderations and appeals/tribunals. These sessions are to help both people looking for last minute/short-term help with their PIP, and those hoping to work on their form independently but don't know where to start.
For more information about the PIP drop-in, please contact us on 02392 824795.
Download our weekly timetable
Get directions
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