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Bitesize mental health

Informal sessions, perfect for lunchtimes or away days.

1 hour, remote


We offer a variety of relevant mental health and wellbeing topics in these informal sessions, perfect for lunchtimes or as part of your wellbeing activity calendar. Our current bitesize offerings are: 

Supportive conversations about mental health in the workplace

During this session we'll take you through a framework for having supportive conversations with colleagues about mental health in the workplace. We’ll discuss what to actively do (and to avoid), and barriers to approaching the conversation. With the overall aim to increase confidence in having a supportive dialogue around mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Write, draw, doodle…what’s all this about journaling?

Explore something that can help reduce stress, manage anxiety, cope with depression, improve productivity and support your overall health and wellbeing. So, whatever you choose to call it (journaling, freewriting, doodling, getting your feelings and thoughts on to paper) why not take this opportunity to find out more…

Self Compassion

Higher levels of self-compassion are linked to increased feelings of happiness, optimism, curiosity and connectedness, as well as decreased anxiety, depression, rumination and fear of failure. This session will introduce you to what self - compassion is and why having it can help us. You'll learn about and utilise techniques to improve your own levels of self-compassion.

Menopause and Mental Health

A session to raise awareness about the menopause and mental health for everyone in the workplace and give some tips and techniques for those experiencing the menopause.

Menopause and Mental Health at Work - Managers toolkit

A session for managers, raising awareness of the menopause and mental health with a focus on supporting your employees in the workplace.

Managing Change - Helping teams thrive

In this session specially designed for Managers and team leaders we’ll focus on how you can support your teams through change. We’ll look at how you can foster an environment that prioritises wellbeing during change and share some practical steps you can take to help your teams to thrive.

Dealing with Change - Thriving in times of uncertainty

We’re all feeling differently about restrictions easing, going back into the office and getting back to the things we used to do without a second thought. In this session we look at how we react to change and some techniques and tools to help us deal with it in a positive way.


Would you like to improve your sleep? If the answer is ‘Yes!’ this session is perfect for you!

We'll examine sleep problems and the science behind them, helping you to understand sleep and why it’s so important. We’ll also give you some practical relaxation techniques and tips to help you sleep better.


‘Mindfulness’ is a term most of us have heard of but many of us don’t really know what it actually means. This hour long session will challenge the misconceptions of what mindfulness is and how it can help us. We’ll explore some simple techniques that can be used in everyday life to promote your mindfulness and awareness of your own mental health.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Overview

A jam-packed session that will give you a quick run-through of the more common mental health problems to help you develop a better understanding of them, whilst also giving you tips on how to support yourself and others.

Winter Wellbeing

As the nights draw in and the days get colder some of us may notice a drop in our wellbeing. During this session we’ll work though a winter toolkit – some timely reminders, tips and techniques to look after your mental wellbeing over the winter months.

Looking after your wellbeing – a carers guide

Caring for someone, whether it’s a child or elderly parent, a sibling or a friend, can be rewarding but can also take its toll on our mental health and wellbeing. Created with parents and carers in mind, we’ll take a look at how you can look after yourself. Exploring self-kindness, the power of reframing, managing your negative feelings and thoughts, and focusing on what you can control.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

This session is a chance to reflect on the past year, with a focus on holding on to positive changes as we move forward.

Beat the Burnout

We talk a lot about burnout, but what does it actually mean and how can we switch off and relax? This session will give you some practical tips and techniques to take away.

Building Resilience to cope with Stress

In this session we'll look at stress, its triggers and the power of resilience. We’ll help you understand the science behind why resilience is important. We’ll also explore some practical tips for how to build your own resilience and you’ll take away a personal action plan.

Taking Control of your Mental Health and Wellbeing

During uncertain times, all of us feel differently and cope in different ways. In this session we’ll explore ways to take control of your own personal Mental Health and Wellbeing. You’ll leave the session with practical tools and techniques to help you stay in control.

Managing Anxiety

During this session we will talk about anxiety, what if feels like, the anxiety cycle and window of tolerance. For the majority of the session, we’ll focus on tried and tested tips and techniques for manging anxiety.

Get Connected

Connecting is one of the five ways to wellbeing and it’s so important to us, but recent years have changed what, how and who we connect with. We’ll take some time to look at this and consider how we want to connect in the future.

Who is it for?

Bitesize sessions are a perfect way to engage all employees to mental health and introduce wellbeing concepts in an accessible way. 

They can delivered as one-off stand alone sessions, as part of a wellbeing day or as a series of sessions scheduled in your wellbeing calendar. Attendees who wish to further their knowledge and how it relates to work should consider our full Managing Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace course.

said they left with tips they'd use in real life to get better sleep
Said they understood better how to take care of their mental health and wellbeing
left with a better understanding of why resilience is so important