Service Users Forum: Help shape our services by joining our service user forum and let us know how we can improve - Find out more
If you’re passionate about helping those with mental health conditions in our community, we can offer you some exciting ways to play your part.
Take a step towards a more mentally balanced workforce with wellbeing training from mental health experts.
Nobody should face a mental health problem alone. With your support, we can be there for anyone who needs us.
Unite with us for better mental health and engage your staff, raise your profile and support your community.
Attend our Annual General Meeting, provide vital feedback and help shape the future direction of our charity.
Leave a lasting legacy and support future generations by making a gift in your will.
We really value your support, whether that’s giving up your time, being a member, fundraising on our behalf, making a gift in your will or donating to support our work. This is our promise to you.