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Solent Mind Volunteers - Thank you!

Solent Mind has taken the chance to thank our volunteers with an event at Mayfield Nurseries with tea, coffees, and cake.

Yesterday, Mayfield Nurseries hosted a thank you to a few of our amazing volunteers with tea, coffee and cake on a sunny Tuesday afternoon.

Karla, Hayley and Saire (in the photo above) are just three of the great volunteers who we hosted out of the many more who help us push for better mental health in Hampshire.

Cecily Headly, featured in the photo alongside our volunteers, Solent Mind HR Manager said: "We are very lucky at Solent Mind to have such dedicated group of volunteers helping us deliver mental health services to people in need. Our volunteers are an integral part of who we are and what we can offer. They bring experience, skills, knowledge and passion to their roles and our organisation."

Dee Brown, Peer Support Team Lead in Southampton, said: "The importance of events like the Lived Experience Network is that people in Solent Mind who have lived experience feel valued and supported. 

" The Volunteer Lived Experience Network is particularly relevant to non-paid staff and the event at Mayfield Nurseries was by way of a thank you. We shared things about our personal lives, hobbies and interests over tea and cake. The next meeting in September we will be discussing volunteer roles and talking specifically about the different role volunteers play such as group leaders, administration and choir master."

The afternoon was spent discussing what it means to volunteer at Solent Mind, as well as the chance for some of our staff like Cecily and Dee (also photo'd above) to meet some of the volunteers in person for the first time, despite often working and communicating but online.

The help of our volunteers can be felt throughout the organisation, whether it be in support roles, helping with the running of our services, or getting down to events and assisting in fundraising efforts. If you want to join our team of amazing volunteers, head to the volunteers page on our website:

You can also keep an eye on our LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for regular updates on the latest volunteer opportunities.

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