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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Free resources for local businesses and organisations for MHAW 23'.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 (MHAW) is an ideal time for us all to think about mental health, tackle stigma, and discover how to create a society that prevents mental health problems from developing and protects our mental well-being. But we can't do it without you! 

We want the help of local businesses and organisations to highlight the small things everyone can do to help improve their mental health. The small step of displaying a poster or handing out a business card can make a big difference. 

Robert Wayman, Director of Fundraising and External Engagement at Solent Mind, said:

“Improving your mental health can feel like a challenge, especially if you work in a busy or stressful environment. But there are some simple steps which you can do every single day to support you.

"Hampshire based businesses and organisations engage with thousands of staff and customers daily. We hope they can help us spread the message about the small things you can do for your mental health.”

To help you play your part, we’ve created posters with the message “Looking after your mental health can look like…” and business cards for you to hand to staff and customers, which raise awareness of how we can support them but also support us. 

To download our free resources, please complete this form. 

If you want to learn more about the other ways your business or organisation can get involved, visit our Corporate Partnerships page. 

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